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"API" Routes Introduction

One of the more interesting features of Next.js is the ability specify routes for a Web API to be executed on the same server serving your site. This extends the functionality of the server, in that it not only pre-renders and serves your files but also can act as a back end API for your application!

Recall, when we first created a boilerplate Next.js app, we were we given an "index.js" file within the "pages" folder that rendered the exported "Home" component at the default route ("/"). We were also provided with an "api" folder, containing a single "hello.js" file. Therefore, if we follow the structure of the "pages" folder, we should be able to access a "hello" route from the "api" folder, ie: "http://localhost:3000/api/hello". This is indeed the case, and the server will respond with:

{ "name": "John Doe" }

Route Definitions

If you open the "hello.js" file, you will see some code that looks very similar to how routes are defined in "Express", ie:

File: "pages/api/hello.js"

export default function handler(req, res) {
res.status(200).json({ name: 'John Doe' });

'req' and 'res'

You will see that both "req" and "res" objects are available to the exported callback function in order to give us access to the HTTP request / response. However, it is important to note that these are not the same as the "Request" and "Response" objects provided by "Express", though they serve the same purpose.

Additionally, "middleware" functions have been built in to parse the incoming request, which gives the "req" object the following additional properties:

  • req.cookies - An object containing the cookies sent by the request. Defaults to {}

  • req.query - An object containing the query string. Defaults to {}" - Note: route parameter values also included.

  • req.body - An object containing the body parsed by content-type, or null if no body was sent

Similarly, some "helper functions" have been made available on the "res" object to provide additional functionality. These are similar to what is offered by "Express":

  • res.status(code) - A function to set the status code. code must be a valid HTTP status code

  • res.json(body) - Sends a JSON response. body must be a serializable object

  • res.send(body) - Sends the HTTP response. body can be a string, an object or a Buffer

  • res.redirect([status,] path) - Redirects to a specified path or URL. status must be a valid HTTP status code. If not specified, status defaults to "307" "Temporary redirect".

  • res.revalidate(urlPath) - Revalidate a page on demand using getStaticProps. urlPath must be a string.

HTTP Methods

At the moment, the "hello" API route responds to "GET" requests only. If we wish to extend this to match other HTTP methods (ie: "POST"), we can leverage the "method" property of the "req" object:

export default function handler(req, res) {
const { method } = req;

switch (method) {
case 'GET':
res.status(200).json({ name: 'John Doe' });
case 'POST':
// return the 'name' value provided in the body of the rquest
res.status(200).json({ name: });
// send an error message back, indicating that the method is not supported by this route
res.setHeader('Allow', ['GET', 'POST']);
res.status(405).end(`Method ${method} Not Allowed`);

Dynamic Routes

As with regular routing, API routes may also contain "route parameters". These must be defined in a similar way, in that they must exist in their own .js file with the desired route parameter as the file name. For example, if we wish to match the route "/api/users/id" (where id is the unknown parameter), we would crate the following file:

File: "/pages/api/users/[id].js"

export default function handler(req, res) {
const { id } = req.query; // "id" route parameter
res.status(200).json({ name: `user ${id}` });

If we wish to reference the route parameter in the route definition, it can be accessed using req.query.

Web API Structure

Using the above techniques, it is possible to create routes that match that of a typical Web API. For example, consider the following files:

File: "/pages/api/users/index.js"

export default function handler(req, res) {
const { name } = req.body;
const { method } = req;

switch (method) {
case 'GET':
// Read data from your database
res.status(200).json({ message: `TODO: Get All Users` });
case 'POST':
// Create data in your database
res.status(200).json({ message: `TODO: Create User with Name: ${name}` });
res.setHeader('Allow', ['GET', 'POST']);
res.status(405).end(`Method ${method} Not Allowed`);

File: "/pages/api/users/[id].js"

export default function handler(req, res) {
const { id } = req.query;
const { name } = req.body;
const { method } = req;

switch (method) {
case 'GET':
// Read data from your database
res.status(200).json({ message: `TODO: Get User with id: ${id} ` });
case 'PUT':
// Update data in your database
res.status(200).json({ message: `TODO: Update User with id: ${id} - Set Name: ${name}` });
case 'DELETE':
// Delete data in your database
res.status(200).json({ message: `TODO: Delete User with id: ${id}` });
res.setHeader('Allow', ['GET', 'PUT', 'DELETE']);
res.status(405).end(`Method ${method} Not Allowed`);

Here, we have accounted for each of the major operations, ie:

RouteHTTP MethodDescription
/api/usersGETGet all the users
/api/usersPOSTCreate a user
/api/users/:idGETGet a single user
/api/users/:idPUTUpdate a user with new information
/api/users/:idDELETEDelete a user

Using MongoDB (Mongoose)

If we wish to extend the API structure to work with real data (ie: using MongoDB Atlas), we can use the familiar "Mongoose" ODM.

To get started, install it as a dependency:

npm install mongoose

Next, since the database connection will be shared in multiple files (ie: "/pages/api/users/[id].js" and "/pages/api/users/index.js"), we should place the database model and connection logic in a separate file (or files) somewhere within our project folder. Since this code is not responsible for rendering a specific route or component, we will create a new "lib" folder and place it there:

File: lib/dbUtils.js

import mongoose from 'mongoose';

const userSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
name: {
type: String,
required: true,
unique: true,

mongoose.models = {};
export const UserModel = mongoose.model('users', userSchema);

export async function mongooseConnect() {
if (mongoose.connections[0].readyState) {
return true;

try {
await mongoose.connect(`Your MongoDB Connection String Here`);
return true;
} catch (err) {
throw new Error(err);

You can see from the above code, that we are exporting both the UserModel and the mongooseConnect() function to be used in our API routes. You will also notice that we have created our "Schema" and reset the "models" before defining the "UserModel" (failing to do so may result in an "OverwriteModelError", ie: "Cannot overwrite 'users' model once compiled.").

Additionally, you will notice that our "mongooseConnect()" function checks to see if our connection is in a "ready" state. If this property is falsy ie: 0, then our connection is disconnected and we must create a new connection using "mongoose.connect()". If the ".readystate" property is truthy, then this function does not need to create a new connection and simply returns true.

With our "dbUtils.js" file complete, we can focus on adding the remainder of the CRUD Operations to our API routes, specifically:

File: "/pages/api/users/index.js"

import { UserModel, mongooseConnect } from '@/lib/dbUtils';

export default async function handler(req, res) {
const { name } = req.body;
const { method } = req;

try {
await mongooseConnect();

switch (method) {
case 'GET':
let users = await UserModel.find().exec();
case 'POST':
const newUser = new UserModel({ name: name });
res.status(200).json({ message: `User: ${name} Created` });
res.setHeader('Allow', ['GET', 'POST']);
res.status(405).end(`Method ${method} Not Allowed`);
} catch (err) {
res.status(500).json({ message: err.message });

File: "/pages/api/users/[id].js"

import { UserModel, mongooseConnect } from '@/lib/dbUtils';

export default async function handler(req, res) {
const { id } = req.query;
const { name } = req.body;
const { method } = req;

try {
await mongooseConnect();

switch (method) {
case 'GET':
let users = await UserModel.find({ _id: id }).exec();
case 'PUT':
await UserModel.updateOne({ _id: id }, { $set: { name: name } }).exec();
res.status(200).json({ message: `User with id: ${id} updated` });
case 'DELETE':
await UserModel.deleteOne({ _id: id }).exec();
res.status(200).json({ message: `Deleted User with id: ${id}` });
res.setHeader('Allow', ['GET', 'PUT', 'DELETE']);
res.status(405).end(`Method ${method} Not Allowed`);
} catch (err) {
res.status(500).json({ message: err.message });

In both files, we wait for mongooseConnect() to complete (either creating a connection, or reusing the current one) before we use the "UserModel" to perform our operations.